"The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."

Brochures of CLIL lessons
CLIL stands for Content and Language Integrated Learning and refers to teaching subjects such as primary subjects, art, music, science, history and geography to students through a foreign language.
We tried to use this method in our project in some subjects and we can say the impact was great.
Pupils liked these lessons, children were natural, often not even aware that we spoke English, they were spontaneous, active. the subjects were attractive for them. It was a different, interesting form of education for them.
During 2 years of our cooperation we realized CLIL lessons in the meetings and at our schools from several subjects.
We realized CLIL at each school in : Art, Science, Physical Education, History, Maths and Literature.
We realized international CLIL lessons in the meetings in: Art, Music, Physical Education, History and Literature.
We created brochures of these lessons to document them for other teachers, parents, regional schools .
We created brochures and DVD about them to document them . Teachers exchanged experiences and pupils enjoyed all lessons, broaden their vocabulary, learnt English with fun and spontaneously.
International lessons during meetings

CLIL in Art at each school

CLIL in History at each school

CLIL in Literature at each school

CLIL in Science at each school

CLIL in Physical education at each school

CLIL in Maths at each school