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Meeting in Portugal was realized 20 - 26 May.
We got know other european country, its culture, history, school system. We visited some schools of Fajões cluster of schools.
We presented films of school activities and presentatons aboout spring and traditions.
We played with vocabulary of Spring / Easter, did some crosswords, puzzles, riddles in computer and also on paper together.
We spent great time in lessn Clil in PE. We learnt the dance for last day, we played ball games.
We created international collage of spring - Each school exchanged artworks to create similar collages at own schools.
We visited Porto, saw some historical sights, we got nice experience from Discovery museum.
Last day we spent at school realizing Erasmus Day and Project Day. Each school performed some traditional dances, we played again with English, saw all results of our project created by Portuguesse pupils and some international results - collages, artworks.
Wonderful meeting, great experiences. Thank you for that, dear Portuguesse team of teachers and students.

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