"The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."

Základná škola s materskou školou Viliama Záborského ( Primary school with nursery of Viliam Záborský ) is situated in a small town Vráble in the South-West part of Slovakia in Nitra region. Age range of students is 6from 3 to 14. There are about 270 students in our school and about 15% of them come from social disadvantaged background. Besides that we have about 12% of pupils with some specific needs of education. The equipment at school is good and we have conditions at school for realizing this type of project.
At our school we have rich afterschool activities in various clubs. The teaching methods are in high level, but we are trying to use more modern, funny and interesting methods in educational process of foreign languages and also other subjects a this way motivate students to learn with pleasure and get possitive relationship and view to education. Our website : www.zsvzvrable.edupage.sk
Unemployment in our region is considerable and has negative influence in social and economic situation in a lot of families.
Employment chances in our town are acceptable, but there are many families with economic and social problems because of poor income or unemployment of one from parents. Some of our students are from broken families owing to parents divorced or their parents have to work externally and children live with one of the parents or their grandparents the most of year.
Relationships in many families are weakening in view of parents´ job busyness and there isn´t sufficient communication between parents and children. Because of these all especially financial problems some children haven´t got so much opportunity to attend some after school activities or excursion and they haven´t got modern technology at home and so they haven´t got oportunity to be in contact with peers from European countries. That´s a pity because a lot of them are very gifted and talented. Maybe this project give them some options to get part in some useful activities and improved their knowledge in all subjects especially in English and foreign languages.
Vráble is a town in which there aren´t many possibilities for leisure time activities for youth. And many of our students have no experience and chance in personal meeting with different culture and language.
For all these reasons we are trying to create opportunities for students to spend their spare time making useful and meaningful activities as means against negative sociable influence. And we would like to create opportunity for our students to know other European countries, their school system and learning or teaching methods of foreign languages with CLIL methods personally and more better.
This project would mean, both to students and teachers, a very special experience that would help us fully understand this concept we are talking about so much: belonging to a big European community.
We suppose that interest in this project will be high among students and their parents by reason of positive effect on relationships throughout club activities. Project should offer possibilities to improve English communication and digital skills especially for pupils from poorer families as well. This project can advance our students to know better also the educational technologies at schools in other countries of the EU.