"The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."

We have never had videoconferences before so these activities were really great experiences for us. These words children said after their first videoconference - children at each school were enthusiastic, delighted and happy they can see each other, talk and dance together.
We organized several videoconferences because this way is the chance for more students to get to mobilities - despite they are only virtual mobilities.
Children have chance to talk in English, create positive relationship to English and use computer not only for games but also for so beautiful activity.
Videoconference Slovakia - Croatia
Great!!! On Friday 15th February Slovak and Croatian pupils met in virtual mobility in videoconference / Skype call /. The topic was : Traditions. We sang folk and traditional songs in Croatian and Slovak language. At the end we sang Project anthem created during international meeting in Slovakia" We like this project" together.
Thank you, dear Ana and Alex and all pupils for great experience. Our pupils enjoyed it so much.
Videoconference Turkey - Italy
On Thursday 13th December 2018 Turkey and Italy pupils met in in videoconference.
The topic was : New year-Christmas. We sang some songs in Italy and Turkish language. we sang " Jingle bells" together at the end.
Thank you, dear Luisa and all pupils for great experience.
We wish you and all partners Happy New Year

Videoconference Turkey- Slovakia

Videoconference Slovakia - Portugal
On Tuesday 12th December Slovak and Portuguese pupils met in virtual mobility in videoconference.
The topic was : Christmas. We sang carols in Portuguese and Slovak language. At the end we sang " Jingle bells" together.
Thank you, dear Sandra and all pupils for great experience.
We wish you and all partners Merry Christmas.

Videoconference Turkey - Croatia
On 20th December we had videoconference with Turkey. We talked how each of us celebrate New Year. Then they sang a New Year's song in Turkey and we sang one in Croatian. At the end we sang Jinggle Bells together. It was wonderful experience and we hope that we will repeat it soon.
Happy New Year everyone.
Videoconference Italy - Croatia