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The meeting in Croatia was realized from 27th Nov – 30th Nov 2017
The topic was - Autumn and autumn traditions. We began with a welcome program in which the Croatian student Erasmus group performed a play and all the participants introduced themselves, their schools and countries.
We had a guided tour of Zagreb the same afternoon. The participants were able to see the centre of Zagreb and had some free time to explore on their own.
We visited the local municipality building and kindergarten in Pušća.
We organized a CLIL lesson in Art, where we talked about autumn, the different colours and changes in nature we notice and about the materials we will need in order to draw our leaves. The children painted leaves with water colours, cut them out and displayed them on the Erasmus board.
We watched presentations and films about local activities of each school and presented art that each school prepared: vocabulary games with memory cards, creating autumn related artwork, presentations about autumn, the school logo and mascot, making and flying kites in the school yard.
The teachers prepared and presented an autumn-related play “The Hedgehog’s home” to the first and second grade students of our school.
Finally, we had a goodbye dinner party where we presented the certificates, exchanged gifts – memories made by our pupils and the Art teacher, danced, played games with the children and had a great time – a wonderful way to end our first international meeting.
Program for meeting in Croatia
27th Nov – 30th Nov 2017
Monday 27th November - Arrival of partners
Tuesday 28th November
Opening welcome program at school, coordinator meeting, visit to Zagreb.
Wednesday 29th November
Visit to the Town Hall and local kindergarten, Welcome programme at DS Dubravica, vocabulary games for pupils, play workshop for adults – The Hedgehog’s Home, dinner.
Thursday 29th November
Activities at school - CLIL in Art, International collage. Play workshop – The Hedgehog’s Home, presenting the project work done at participating schools so far, performing the play to first and second grade pupils.
Lunch, free time and Farewell dinner at Mont Antonio.
Friday 30th February
Departure of all partners