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Meeting in Italy
was realized in date: 12 May - 18 May 2019
In Italy it was our last meeting. We met there all partners from Slovakia, Croatia, Portugal, Turkey and Italy in the school in Gambettola to talk about out last topic - Spring festivals and traditions.
Activities in the meeting:
1/ We created international collages together - children and teachers.
2/ We realized CLIL lesson in Literature. We talked about the story - Pinoccio.
3/ We performed dramas. Each school prepared drama about own legend or hero. At the end we danced together in Turkish drama.
4/ We visited Venice, Cesenatico, Rimini.
5/ We evaluated our project, talked about all actvities, we finished e-book and brochures abot CLIL lessons. Italian team will create and publish evaluation questionnairres.
Great project, good team, wonderful cooperation.