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Project Days 2018/2019

We organized Project Day at school on 12 Nowember 2018 to inform students and our parents about our Erasmus+ (Let´s play and learn together).
We talked about Turkey meeting and Italy meeting of our work. We also created the plan of Italy meetings, talked about Erasmus club at school.

4th Project Day
We organized Project Day at school on 26 October 2018 to inform students about our Erasmus+ project - Let´s play and learn together. We talked about plan of activities for the second year of our work. We also created the plan of meetings, talked about Erasmus club at school. Then we played with English, sang and danced together.

5th Project Day with Television
On Tuesday - 9 October we had special Project Day because the TV station of Slovakia was making the report at our school about our Erasmusplus project " Let´s play and learn together."
We played with vocabulary of Summer and Autumn, we were creating the poster about summer holidays, older student were working on some presentations and quizes, and we had also another CLIL lesson in Science about animals working on interactive board. We spent really great time together.

6th Project Day
We realized Project Day in March 2019 for parents, grandparents nd community to inform them all about our progress, results and meetings which we achieved in our project. We played with English, sang and danced, remembered some traditions, talked about all meetings. At the end we all sand the Anthem of our project created during meeting in Slovakia in February 2018. We spent great time together.

4th Project Day
Our teachers and pupils organized a Sports day in our school. The students participated in small tournaments in various sports such as volleyball, soccer, table tennis, and relay races. Still, the volleyball match between the female pupils and the female teachers, as well as the soccer match between the male pupils and the male teachers and school staff raised the greatest interest and enthusiasm. Pupils were the winners in both matches.J We all had an amazing time together and we revived the spirit of sport.

Exhibition work for the community
During the months of December and January the works received at the meeting in Turkey were on display at the Parish Council so that the whole community could see.