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We organized CLIL in History for pupils of 5 th class. We talked about the power of nature - Fire, wind and water.
Pupils cooperate with the teacher and answer the questions. Presentation with pictures helped them with answers.
Questions: What natural powers started people to use?
What can you see in the picture? Let´s say it together.
What did a man start to use the fire/ water/ wind for?
How can we say "koleso" in English?
We worked with interactive board - the students connected the pictures of natural powers/ wheel with the ways of usage.
Last 10 minutes pupils worked in groups - their task was to match the pictures to the correct power (water, wind, fire or wheel). They learnt new vocabulary: sails, wheel, food, a watch, electricity station, wind, metal, tools, mill. We also revised already learnt vocabulary- a bike, a car, water, fire, drink, etc.