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Traditions are very important part of our past, people should know them.
That´s why we remebered them in our project. We want our children know traditions of own country but also other European countries.
So we reminded some of them: traditional costumes, dances, meals, customs, ...
We remembered winter traditions, talked about them in videoconferences, realized them at schools, documented them.

It is the time between Christmas and lent time before Easter. In this time we organize a lot of balls, Mask balls - carnivals, disco, we dance and sing. We usually make sweets typical for this time - fánky.

Christmas cards and decorations - at Christmas our pupils engaged in many activities for decorating the school, writing greeting cards, and building presents for their families.
Winter landscapes
Drawing and making collages are our pupils’ favourite artistic activities. They enjoy creating season landscapes by elaborating their nature’s observations.