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Meeting in Slovakia 25 Febr. – 3 March 2018
Meeting in Slovakia was realized from 25 Febr. – 3 March 2018
The topic was - Winter and winter traditions. After welcome program we watched presentations and films about local activities of each school: Christmas at schools, Carnivals, CLIL in Science, Games with vocabulary, cretaring artworks, masks for the meeting,...
During meeting we organized CLIL in Music, pupils spoke about musical instruments and orchestra. We sang together English song at the end of lesson.
Then we realized different playful activities with vocabulary of winter- solved crosswords.
Next activity – creating anthem of our project - showed our great cooperation. Each team created several lines in homeland language and then we made a chorus in English. The result – beautiful international song presenting our relationship to our project.
Creating collage about winter and masks were another interesting activities.
Excursions to the capital Bratislava and Nitra castle were interesting for all particiants. Despite cold weather we spent nice time together. In Bratislava we visited the castle, Old town, Michael´s gate and Natural History museum. All participants had chance to know Slovakia a bit better.
We finished the stay with wonderful international program "Let´s sing and dance together", we sang, danced, played together. Performances of kids from kindergarden were lovely, their English was very good. We also informed parents and community, local authorities about the progress and all outcomes of our project. At the end all children – Slovakian, Croatian, Turkish, Italian and Portuguesse sang the anthem and we all saw that – We really played and learnt together.
Goodbye party was perfect, funny, full of dance and songs. We spent fantastic week together.
Program for meeting in Slovakia
Short - term exchange of pupils in Vráble
25th February - 3rd March
Sunday 25 February - Arrival of partner
Monday - 26 February
Welcome programat school, Welcome in Twon Hall, Tour at school, Presentationsof films about localactivities and all results ofeach school.
Welcome dinner
Tuesday 27 February
Trip to the capital - Bratislava - the castle, Old town, Natural museum
Wednesday 28 February
Activities at school - CLIL in Music, Creating the Anthem of our project, payful activities with vocabulary - Winter ( Crosswords )
International collage - Children viewon the project / Teacher´s session
Collage of Masks
Thursday 1 March
International program for parents and community, local authorities and community - Let´s sing and dance together
Goodbye party at school
Friday 2 March
Trip to Nitra castle, Lunch together
Saturday 3 March
Departure of all partners