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Fajões school cluster has a diversified educational offer to its community, for students from the ages of 3 to 18 years (university entrance).
Due to the fact that our community has a low economic and social level we have a TEIP program whose objectives are improving the quality of education, educational success of the students; fighting against indiscipline, early school leaving and absenteeism; creating conditions and educational guidance for a qualified transition from school to professional life; promoting coordination between educational institutions, social partners and training institutions.
In our school cluster we offer all students the following: psychologist, social worker, teachers of special education for children with special needs and support classes for children with low results.
At pre-school education level we have 9 groups distributed by 7 kindergartens, where our kindergarten staff (9 teachers, one psychologist and one social worker) is interested in offering a high quality for early childhood education. We still have a program that includes extensive opening hours that take into account the needs of working parents.
At Primary education level, for children between the ages of 6 to 10 years old, we have 23 classrooms distributed by 6 schools, creating the conditions for comprehensive and harmonious development of personality, through the progressive discovery of interests, skills and capabilities that provide a personal training in its dual individual and social dimension. There we provide the acquisition and domain knowledge, tools, skills, attitudes, practices and values that contribute to the development of citizens who are aware and participate in a democratic society. At this level we offer classes of English, ITC, Physical Activity and extra classes of Sports, Music and Arts. We also have libraries in the schools. We still have a program that includes extensive opening hours that take into account the needs of working parents.
In the secondary schools our students can complete basic schooling (9th grade) and in EBS de Fajões they can continue studies until university entrance (up until 12th grade).
In the last level of education (10th to 12th grade) we offer two kinds of opportunities: regular studies which permits university entrance as well as vocational/professional education courses (3 year course_- Level 4) in catering services, computer programming and multimedia.
Our priorities are: increasing learning skills from a very early age, promoting high levels of success, social skills and giving emphasis on school, family and community interaction. In this context we continuously develop various projects, which try to respond to the various community needs.