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You can see here our international on-line activity.
What should each school do ?
Each school will create film about 1 game and the other schools will try to imitate it.
We will go by the key:
Croatia creates for Portugal, Portugal for Turkey, Turkey for Italy, Italy for Slovakia, Slovakia for Croatia.

We played Slovakian games. It was fun and we enjoyed it!

The students of Turkey prepared this game for the students of Italy to play ...
Here is it..:)
Game name: Dodgeball
Game Description: Dodgeball is a sport played by throwing soft balls , or hard rubber balls, at people in a square court. Dodge ball game is played with at least 4 people.
Aim: Gives children the ability to move fast and make quick decisions.
How to play:
Players are divided into two groups. An equal number of groups is preferred.
Coin is thrown up for the team in the middle. The group is divided into two and The distance between them should be 8-10 meters.
They try to hit wit ball the students in the middle group until the last person is left
If any of the students staying inside catch the ball in the air, they will win an extra life.
He can use this life to himself or he can take his friend who was shot previously.
When the last person in the group is left, there are 10 shots.
If the last person left is not shot after ten shots, this team will win and all players will be back in the game again.
This player is out of the game if the last person can be shot. And then game will be finished.
The other group enters middle of the game.
The game continues in this way.
We played the Fox game for us from created of the Portugal school . Our students enjoyed it. It was very nice. Here is it..

These games were created by Slovakian team.
Playing outsite in school park.

Slovakian pupils played games created by our partners.

Fox Game
« Take as many "fox tails" as possible. Win the child who has more “fox tails”.
Game rules
« Put your "fox tails" (vests) on your back (hold your pants).
« Run to protect him.
« Take out the "fox tails" from your colleagues and hold them in your hand. If you lose your "fox tails", you have to replace it before the other pulls it.
« The game lasts about 5 minutes.
« In the end count the "fox tails" of each one and win who has more.
The students from Croatia have created a game for the Portuguese students to play ... it was a lot of fun ... here is the registration of this game ...
Outdoor games
Playing is always fun but if you go abroad the fun increases ...