"The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."

We are trying to get to know Easter traditions in Europe, preparing presentations, organizing school activities. We painted eggs, reminded some of our traditions, customs, prepared tasty meals, sweets,..
We also looked for some information in internet, translated, created presentations, wrote some texts. We improved our English and computer skills.

The Arts teacher and our students decorated large Easter eggs and displayed them on the main squere.

Our students visited the eldery at the local nursing home. They sang, denced and played their instruments.

Istanbul Tulip Festival
Now İt's tulip season in İstanbul..!
We saw tulips in Emirgan Wood , in 125 different species.
We took the photos of tulips blooming in the Emirgan wood.

Spring is nice in Slovakia because the nature starts to wake after long winter, flowers and trees start to bloom. The nature and gardens are beautiful and colourful.
Easter is one of famous spring festival in Europe. Each country has some very typical traditions. We created presentation about traditions in Slovakia.

To celebrate Easter and the spring time, our pupils sent greetings cards to their Erasmus+ friends and received theirs and then they build a spring poster with the cards they had received.
Celebrating Europe’s Day, 9th May 2018
Pupils admire the huge poster and all the materials produced for Europe’s Day.
Creative writing outdoors
Children enjoy outdoor activities and get inspiration from the spring colours to write poems and creative rhymes for the Happy Mother’s day.